About Cultural Appropriation - As the cultures of our World become every more enmeshed, it is important to carefully consider cultural appropriation. Here are my thoughts.

To Appropriate is to: “take something that doesn’t belong to you without permission”.

It is impossible to consider appropriation without considering inherent power differences and/or abuse of power. For example, if a person of European ancestery and culture felt drawn to learning how to prepare a food recipe that had it’s origins from Mexican culture, or Chinese culture, it is more likely than not, a Mexican or a Chinese person would be both appreciative and supportive of their interest, rather than offended. Unless this dish is part of a culturally scared ritual, it is unlikely either of them will consider this recipe trial as cultural appropriation. Cooking, experimenting in the kitchen, and sharing food is common to all humans - a part of humanity’s international joy of cooking! Similarly, no one complains of another breathing and appropriating their culture’s air.

Where appropriation becomes - inappropriate - is when the taker has an unrepentant history of abuse of power and disrespect toward the party from whom they are taking something. An easy-to-recognize example of this is when a culturally-dominant-money-making sports team uses a cultural name and icon of a minority culture, without their permission or compensation - e.g. Cleveland Indians, Washington Redskins, etc.

These are often historically pejorative or insensitive words and images associated with the Indigenous People of North America whose Cultures and People were very intentionally and systematically vilified and destroyed by the European Settlers who today, form the dominate culture of North America.

When a person from one culture feels drawn or moved to explore and participate in another culture, the seeker needs to approach humbly and do serious homework and consultation to ensure appropriate levels of respect and understanding of what they are seeking.

Earth Wisdom Teachings are part of an oral tradition that is said to have been given to the Mayan People by the “Star People from the beyond”. Many of these teachings reflect the fundamental perspectives of Indigenous People all around the World. While some aspects of the Teachings reflect some aspects of many Indigenous North American Tribes, Earth Wisdom Teachings are not associated with any particular Tribe. They are a body of sacred teachings - knowledge that is available to anyone who seeks it.

Similarly, the name RedHeart RedHeart has the appearance and connotation of being “Native American”. RedHeart is a spirit name that came to me in a 10-day training ceremony in the Yucatan in 2004. It is said a spirit name becomes one’s teacher. For over a decade, I used this name only in ceremony before it revealed its meaning to me - “You have a red heart, and I have a red heart - and we are all connected.” I realized then the name is actually a prayer that calls for unity each time it is spoken. I feel deeply honored to carry this name, and I feel the joy of its responsibility.

I was of senior age when I come out non-binary trans-gender in 2015. Transitioning, I felt I had finally stepped into my full and true self. By this time, I had been immersed and committed to the daily practice of the principles of Earth Wisdom Teachings for over 15 years. Intentionally honoring each aspect of Creation one encounters is a moment-by-moment unending practice that gradually begins to illuminate and animate the Spirit in all things. Physical life becomes spiritual life. Spiritual life becomes physical life. Not surprisingly, the spirit name RedHeart, also felt to be a true reflection of my daily life. Thus, as part of my coming out, I chose to take RedHeart RedHeart as my legal and public name - in part as a reflection of my truest self, and in part, as a public commitment pointing to the beloved and sacred Earth Wisdom Teachings.

No one “owns” a cosmology or a religion - a way of seeing the Universe. If one has the good fortunate to stumble upon a body of teachings that satisfies the inherent “spiritual thirst” every human carries, they quickly recognized they are among the very lucky of humans. I am so blessed!

RedHeart RedHeart Two-Not-One