Justice, Jenna & Liz at work in the Garden.

Justice, Jenna & Liz at work in the Garden.

Liz Molden, Jenna GreyEagle, & Justice GreyEagle

Liz has been involved in food justice organizing, bio-intensive growing and farming, and working with the land and people in many different systems.

Jenna is an Oglala Lakota Sioux tribal member. Jenna holds the position of Environmental Educator for the Wakan Tipi Center in St Paul, MN. She also carries on her and her mother’s beadwork business.

Justice is an Oglala Lakota Sioux tribal member and the niece of Jenna and Liz. She is currently a freshman in high school. She loves to draw, write, eat cucumbers, and just started learning to play the ukulele.


Lots of green growing here…!

Uhmm, uhmm..